Born in 1990, he starts his musical studies as a cellist. He graduates at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold (Germany) He starts his singing studies in Germany in 2013 and afterwards he graduates suma cum laude in Barcelona at the Liceu Conservatoire He was selected in 2019 to participate in the Primer Palau competition in Barcelona and since then has had the opportunity to debut in some of the most recognized festivals in Spain, like the Schubertíada (Spain) o the Barcelona Spring Festival. He has also sung in concert halls such as Palau de la Música Catalana, Auditori de Barcelona, Teatro Calderón de Valladolid, Auditorio Príncipe de Asturias de Oviedo o Teatro Arriaga de Bilbao. In the lied genre he has performed works by Schubert (Winterreise), Schumann (Liederkreis and Dichterliebe), Beethoven (An die ferne Geliebte), Brahms (Vier ernste Gesänge), Debussy (Fêtes Galantes), Poulenc (Tel jour telle nuit) or Copland (Old American Songs).