Born in Barcelona, his musical education, including piano, cello and voice, started at the Escolania de Montserrat. He held bachelor degrees in Choral Conducting and Singing from the ESMUC in Barcelona before going on to study at the Guildhall School. Operatic roles feature Il Conte (Le nozze di Figaro), Mercutio (Roméo et Juliette), Aeneas (Dido & Aeneas) o Tarquinius (The Rape of Lucretia), among others. As a lieder performer he has presented Die schöne Magelone, Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Dichterliebe, Histoires Naturelles, La bonne chanson or An die ferne Geliebte at the Schubertíada, the LIFE Victoria and L'Auditori in Barcelona or the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid. He has also taken part in the premieres of Catalan composers such as García-Demestres (L'eclipsi), Magrané (Diàlegs de Tirant e Carmesina) o García-Tomás (Chansons Trouvées).