Lucas Huber Sierra was raised in Madrid, where he began his musical training. He completed his studies in Cologne and Lübeck with the highest marks in the classes of Joseph Anto Scherrer and Konrad Elser. Further mentors include Claudio Martínez Mehner, Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Anthony Spiri, Thomas Quasthoff and Christoph Prégardien. During the academic course 24/25 he is a scholarship holder of the Heidelberger Frühling lied academy, under the artistic direction of Thomas Hampson. In addition to his occupation as a piano teacher, he works as an accompanist at the HfM Hanns Eisler for the voice class of Stephan Rügamer. As a prize winner of major international competitions, Lucas has recorded for broadcasts by various German radio stations. Currently, he is studying song accompaniment with Wolfram Rieger in Berlin.