Carrer de l'Abadia, 4, 17760 Vilabertran, Girona
(4 km from Figueres)
Estació d’AVE (RENFE) / TGV (SNCF) to Figueres-Vilafant station. From there, you can take a taxi to Vilabertran or take a shuttle to Figueres station, where you can rent a vehicle.
Find more information at Trainline and at the Tourism Office in Figueres, T (+34) 972 673 166 and Vilabertran, T (+34) 972 505 902.
Plaça de l'Església, 8, 17256 Pals, Girona
On the web of the Pals town hall has all the necessary information to arrive by train, bus, plane or car, as well as the telephone numbers of the taxi service.