Awarded the best pianist prizes at the Das Lied-International Song Competition in Heidelberg (2017) and at the Paula-Salomon-Lindberg-Liedwettbewerbs at Universität der Künste Berlin (2015), Guerrero has extensive training as a soloist. Established in Germany, she has in recent years focused exclusively on the lieder repertoire, after discovering her affinity for it in 2014. She is coursing the Master in Liedgestaltung programme at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg and is currently enrolled in Solistenexamen postgraduate studies at the Musikhochschule in Karlsruhe. She received scholarships from FrauenFörderStipendium and Asociación de Juventudes Musicales de Madrid, and has been a guest of several lied cycles in Germany, such as the 19 Bonner Schumannfests im Schumann-Haus in Bonn, the Festival im Frühling in Heidelberg, and the cycle in Freiburg.