Jaesun Hong was born in South Korea and has been learning the piano since she was six years old. She is currently studying Specialised Master Music Performance at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste with focus on Kammermusik - Liedgestaltung with Professor Christoph Berner. In the winter semester of 2022 she will start studying accompaniment at the Hochschule für Musik Köln. She has been working as a vocal and violin accompanist since her graduation, and in May 2021 she made her debut as a young duo at 'Liedrezital Zürich'. In 2015, she performed the opera The Telephone by Gian Carlo Menotti, which further developed her interest for opera accompaniment; she participated in the operas The Medium, also by Menotti (2020), Die Zauberflöte (2021) and last spring, La voix humaine by Francis Poulenc, the new opera Chronos by Matthias Müller and Zweimal Alexander and Messertränen by Bohuslav Martinů.