Cosmos Quartet
Katharina Konradi, soprano
Joseph Middleton, piano
Works by Schubert & Sánchez Verdú
Saturday 17 August 20:30 h
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Ras i curt
Què ens hi trobarem?
Una Schubertíada dins la Schubertíada. Així podríem descriure aquest concert, que rememora el que podien ser les primeres schubertíades, amb obres per a piano sol, quartet de cordes i cantades, fetes entre amics i per celebrar la música de Schubert.
L'obra destacada
El compositor José María Sánchez Verdú ens proposa una nova lectura d'alguns dels lieder més coneguts de Schubert, arranjats per a soprano i quartet, a partir d'un encàrrec del Festival de Granada i de la Schubertíada.
icon programRepertoire
Franz Schubert
String Quartet No. 10 in E-flat major, D. 87
Franz Schubert / José María Sánchez Verdú
Lieder by Schubert for soprano and quartet
Premiere. Co-production with the Granada Festival.
Wandrers Nachtlied I, D. 224
An den Mond, D259
Gretchen am Spinnrade, D. 118
Franz Schubert
Heiß mich nicht reden, D. 877/2
So lasst mich scheiden, D. 877/3
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt, D. 877/4
Ungarische Melodie, D. 817
Impromptu, D. 899/3
Im Frühling, D. 882
Lied der Anne Lyle, D. 830
Frühlingsglaube, D. 686
Rastlose Liebe, D. 138
Cosmos Quartet
Cosmos Quartet

Helena Satué i Bernat Prat, violins | Lara Fernández, viola | Oriol Prat, violoncel

Despite the fact that it is a recently formed ensemble (2014), the Cosmos Quartet has already gained an international career winning the First Prize at the 2018 Competition Irene Steels - Wilsing Foundation in Heidelberg, and the 13th Premi BBVA de Música de Cambra Montserrat Alavedra, among others. They have been invited to play at venues such as Heidelbergerg Streichquartettfest, String Quartet Biennal organized by L’Auditori in Barcelona, Liceo de Cámara - Auditorio Nacional in Madrid, the Quincena Musical in San Sebastián, Wigmore Hall in London, Gent Festival van Vlaanderen in Belgium, East Neuk Festival in Edinburgh, Sociedad Filarmónica de Bilbao and Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. From season 2021-2022 until 2024 they will be the Quartet in Residence at Palau de la Música Catalana, with the complete works by J. Brahms, R. Schumann and A. Webern. The quartet is based in Barcelona and plays four instruments builded specially for them from the catalan wellknown luthier David Bagué.

Katharina Konradi
Katharina Konradi

Katharina Konradi was born in Bischkek, Kyrgyzstan, and is the first soprano from this country to have an international career as a lied, concert and opera singer. She made her debut as Ännchen (Der Freischütz) at the Hamburg State Opera in 2018 and has since been a member of the regular ensemble there. She has also sung, for instance, at the Semperoper in Dresden (2018/19) as Zdenka (Arabella), at the Bayreuth Festival (2019 and 2021) as the young shepherd (Tannhäuser), and at the Bavarian State Opera in Munich (2020/2021 and 2021/2022) as Sophie (Der Rosenkavalier) and Susanna (Le nozze di Figaro). She regularly gives recitals at the Schubertíada, the Schubertiade in Hohenems/Schwarzenberg and in the Wigmore Hall in London. She has given recitals at the Philharmonie in Cologne and in the Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin.

Joseph Middleton
Joseph Middleton

Highly acclaimed pianist Joseph Middleton specialises in the art of song accompaniment and chamber music. He is Director of the Leeds Lieder Festival, Musician in Residence at Pembroke College Cambridge and a Professor at his alma mater, the Royal Academy of Music. Joseph collaborates with internationally established singers including Thomas Allen, Ian Bostridge, Sarah Connolly, Lucy Crowe, Iestyn Davies, Wolfgang Holzmair, Christiane Karg, Katarina Karnéus, Simon Keenlyside, Felicity Lott, Christopher Maltman, John Mark Ainsley, Kate Royal, Carolyn Sampson and Roderick Williams. He is a regular guest at New York’s Alice Tully Hall, the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Vienna Konzerthaus, Zürich Tonhalle, Köln Philharmonie, Luxembourg Philharmonie, Musée d’Orsay in Paris and London’s Wigmore Hall.