Montserrat Torrent Serra, organ
Armida Quartett
Works by Boyvin, Soler, Kerll & Bach
No cada dia es pot presentar el debut d’una artista de 96 anys: enguany és el cas de l’organista Montserrat Torrent, una llegenda del seu instrument I referent femení en un món tancat a les dones. L’epicentre del programa és l’opus magnum de Johann Sebastian Bach, L’art de la fuga, que interpretarà l'Armida Quartett, considerat un dels millors quartets de corda d’Europa en l’actualitat; Torrent hi dialogarà des de l’orgue presentant obres contemporànies de Bach. Tot en el marc inigualable i majestuós de la Basílica de Santa Maria de Castelló d’Empúries.
icon programRepertoire
Jacques Boyvin
Suite de second ton
Pare Antoni Soler
Sonata in G major no. 64
Johann Kaspar Kerll
Battaglia imperial
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Art of Fugue, BWV. 1080
Montserrat Torrent
Montserrat Torrent

Montserrat Torrent is one of the most outstanding performers in our country. Her concerts have been –and still are– a reference point on the highest level not only in their academic rigor by also in their warmth and musicality. In the 1960s she pioneered the rebirth of the organ at a time when it still suffered from decadence after the Spanish Civil War, and especially, being a woman. Having said that, years later her legacy is enormous. She has performed on countless instruments as well as having taught innumerable students. Her distinguished career includes awards such as the Creu de Sant Jordi, the Premio Nacional de Música and a Doctor Honoris Causa, but the most extraordinary thing about her at the age of 95 is that she continues to perform in public, she continues to make recordings around the globe. Truly a Prodigy of Nature. One that we can all still enjoy.

Armida Quartett
Armida Quartett

Martin Funda &Johanna Staemmler, violins | Teresa Schwamm-Biskamp, viola | Peter-Philipp Staemmler, cello

With their spectacular triumph at the International ARD Competition in Munich in 2012, where they won the First Prize, the Audience Prize and six further prizes, the young string quartet from Berlin embarked on a unique musical career. The BBC featured them from 2014 to 2016 as part of its “New Generation Artists” series, and in the 2016/17 season they were part of the “Rising Stars” series. They have studied with former members of the Artemis Quartett and Rainer Schmidt (Hagen Quartet). The quartet has enjoyed great success at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Philharmonie in Berlin, and the Wigmore Hall in London. Working with chamber partners as Thomas Hampson, Martin Fröst, Tabea Zimmermann or Jörg Widmann is an inspiration for the Armida Quartet. The quartet gives masterclasses in Germany and abroad, and they are active in social programs and youth projects, including Rhapsody in School and Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now.



Presentació de la 33a Schubertíada

El proper 11 de març al Saló del Vigatà del Palau Moja de Barcelona, tindrà lloc la roda de premsa de presentació de la 33a Schubertíada.

Andrè Schuen torna a Barcelona

Un dels cantants predilectes del públic de la Schubertíada ens presenta el darrer cicle de Franz Schubert, El cant del cigne, a la Sala de Concerts del Palau de la Música Catalana.

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