ticket CB


Carrer de l'Abadia, 4, 17760 Vilabertran, Girona
(4 km from Figueres)

Getting there

From Barcelona

  1. Take the AP-7 motorway out of Barcelona, direction Girona-França.
  2. Take Exit 4 towards Figueres.
  3. After getting off the motorway, continue along the N-II national road towards France; You will see Figueres on your left-hand side.
  4. After about 6km, exit right onto N-260 towards Llançà.
  5. In 0.5 km you will reach a roundabout. Exit left towards Vilabertran, 0.5 km.

From France

  1. Arrive on the AP-7 through La Jonquera, direction Girona-Barcelona.
  2. Take Exit 3- Figueres to get off the motorway.
  3. Take the N-II national road towards Girona. Figueres will be on your right-hand side.
  4. After about 4 km, exit right onto road N-260 towards Llançà.
  5. In 0.5 km you will reach a roundabout. Exit left towards Vilabertran, 0.5 km.


Vilabertran has various free parking options located around the monastery.

Using public transit

Estació d’AVE (RENFE) / TGV (SNCF) to Figueres-Vilafant station. From there, you can take a taxi to Vilabertran or take a shuttle to Figueres station, where you can rent a vehicle.

Find more information at Trainline and at the Tourism Office in Figueres, T (+34) 972 673 166 and Vilabertran, T (+34) 972 505 902.