Julia Kleiter, soprano
Julius Drake, piano
Songs by Brahms, Schubert, Britten, Previn & Strauss
Wednesday 21 August 20:30 h
sold out
Ras i curt
Què ens hi trobarem?
Un any més, i en van quatre, la refinada i elegant soprano Julia Kleiter aprofundeix en el repertori i ens proposa un programa que combina obres ben conegudes amb d'altres poc habituals; la primera part estarà dedicada a Brahms i Schubert, mentre que la segona se centra en la cançó del segle XX.
L'obra destacada
L'amistat entre Benjamin Britten i el poeta W. H. Auden va ser l'origen de diverses obres musicals, la primera de les quals va ser el cicle On this island, una obra variada amb música inspirada tant en el Barroc com en la música de ball dels anys 30, contemporània del cicle.
icon programRepertoire
Johannes Brahms
Ständchen, op. 106/1
Es ging ein Maidlein zarte
Da unten im Tale
Es steht ein Lind
Die Sonne scheint nicht mehr
Erlaube mir, feinś Mädchen
Schwesterlein, Schwesterlein
Franz Schubert
Ständchen, D. 957/4
Der Jüngling an der Quelle, D. 300
Der Wanderer an den Mond, D. 870
Erster Verlust, D. 226
Gretchen am Spinnrade, D. 118
Benjamin Britten
On this island, op. 11
André Previn
Three Dickinson songs
Richard Strauss
Waldseligkeit, op.49/1
Das Rosenband, op.36/1
Befreit, op.39/4
Julia Kleiter
Julia Kleiter

In 2004, she made her debut at the Opéra-Bastille in Paris as Pamina. Julia Kleiter has already been heard as the Contessa (Le nozze di Figaro), Ilia (Idomeneo), Agathe (Der Freischütz), Donna Anna (Don Giovanni) or Eva (Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg). Recently, she could be heard with Dvořák's Stabat Mater and Requiem, Bach's Christmas Oratorio, Schumann's Das Paradies und die Peri, Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem. Haydn's Creation and Bruckner's Te Deum. Julia Kleiter can also be heard in numerous recitals at London's Wigmore Hall, in Paris, Madrid, Munich and at the Schubertiade Schwarzenberg. She performs regularly with the pianists Michael Gees and Julius Drake and has also appeared at the Pierre Boulez Hall in Berlin, the Musikverein in Vienna, the Mozarteum in Salzburg and the Philharmonie in Essen.

Julius Drake
Julius Drake

Julius Drake lives in London and enjoys an international reputation as one of the finest instrumentalists in his field, collaborating with many of the world’s leading artists. The New Yorker has described him as the “collaborative pianist nonpareil”. He appears regularly at all the major music centres and festivals. His passionate interest in song has led to invitations to devise song series for Wigmore Hall, London, the BBC and The Royal Concertgebouw, Amsterdam. His annual series of song recitals – Julius Drake and Friends – in the historic Middle Temple Hall in London, has featured recitals with many outstanding vocal artists including Thomas Allen, Olaf Bär, Ian Bostridge, Angelika Kirchschlager, Iestyn Davies, Veronique Gens, Felicity Lott, Simon Keenlyside, Christopher Maltman, Mark Padmore, Christoph Prégardien.